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Nationwide Fuels

EN 590 Diesel Specifications

We supply diesel (DERV) and gas oil that meets EN 590 specifications, to place an order call 0330 678 0880 today to speak to a member of our team.

Read the specifications of EN 590 Diesel (DERV) and EN 590 Gas Oil

At Nationwide Fuels we’re a leading supplier of high-quality diesel (DERV), also referred to as ultra-low sulphur diesel, and gas oil which meet EN 590 specifications – a top European standard for diesel fuel. We can also supply gas oil (red diesel) both and with and without FAME and for different specifications including Class D.

Read on to learn about our fuels’ properties below or call 0330 678 0880 to order EN 590 diesel or gas oil today.

EN 590 ULSD Specifications

Diesel (DERV) is an essential fuel to power industrial sites, vehicle fleets, generators and more. DERV comes in a variety of grades and specifications which means that’s important you secure high-quality diesel that’s suitable for a range of applications. To learn more about diesel and it’s use cases you can find more information in our diesel FAQ.

Our ULSD is suitable for all road and off-road applications powered by diesel and you can view the specifications in the table below.

AppearanceClear and bright. Pale yellow, free from visible sediment.Pass
Density at 15oCkg/m30.8200.8450.830
Kinematic viscosity at 40oCmm2/s2.04.52.90
Carbon residue

(Ramsbottom on 10% residue)

% (m/m)0.30(2)<0.10
Distillation recovery

at 250oC

at 350oC

95% vol. recovered

% (v/v)

% (v/v)








Flash point (PMCC)oC>5564
Water contentmg/kg20070
Particulate contentmg/kg24<12
Ash content% (m/m)0.01<0.001
Sulphur contentmg/kg109
Copper corrosion (3hrs at 50oC)Class11
Cold filter plugging point(1)









Oxidation stabilityg/m3255
Fatty Acid Methly Ester (FAME)% (v/v)7.06.5
Cloud point (1)









Lubricity (HFRR)µm460390
Cetane number5153
Cetane index4655
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons% (m/m)82.5
Carbon% (m/m)87
Hydrogen% (m/m)12.75
Nitrogen% (m/m)0.01 – 0.05
Gross specific energyMJ/kg




Mean specific heat capacity over 0 – 100oCKJ/kgoC2.05

*This specification is not a guarantee. We reserve the right to alter the specifications without any notice.

EN 590 Gas Oil Specifications

EN 590 gas oil is a dyed product that is often referred to as red diesel, marked diesel, 35-second oil or tractor diesel. You can learn more about gas oil in our guide to Gas Oil.

Gas oil is a rebated fuel that’s no longer available to many sectors and you can see if your business may access the fuel by using our red diesel FAQ.

Our gas oil meets BS 2869 (2023) and EN 590 standards with 10 ppm (parts per million) sulphur content. You can view all our gas oil’s physical and chemical properties in the table below.

AppearanceClear & bright, Cherry Red, Free from visible sediment.Pass
Density at 15°Ckg/m³0.8200.860
Kinematic viscosity at 40°Cmm²/s1.55.53.0
Carbon residue (Ramsbottom on 10% residue)% (m/m)0.300.10
Distillation recovery at 250°C% (v/v)6542
Distillation recovery at 350°C% (v/v)8592
Flash point (PMCC)°C56>62
Water contentmg/kg200<100
Particulate contentmg/kg24<10
Ash content% (m/m)0.01<0.001
Sulphur content% (m/m)0.002<0.0015
Copper corrosion (3 hrs at 50°C)Class11a
Cold filter plugging point (1) Summer°C-4-8
Cold filter plugging point (1) Winter°C-12-14
Cetane number4548
Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)% (v/v)7.0<0.1
Carbon% (m/m)87
Hydrogen% (m/m)12.75
Nitrogen% (m/m)0.01 – 0.05
Gross specific energy (MJ/kg)MJ/kg45.4
Gross specific energy (MJ/litre)MJ/litre38.8
Mean specific heat capacity over 0 – 100°CKJ/kg °C2.05
Volume correction factorper °C0.00081
Strong acid numbermg KOH/gnilnil
Lubricity (HFRR)µm460<460
Oxidation stability 0.0 – 7.0% FAMEg/m³25
Oxidation stability 2.0 – 7.0% FAMEh20


EN 590 Fame-Free Gas Oil

We also supply FAME-free gas oil to companies who require fuel with no biodiesel content. Fuel containing bio (FAME) has a tendency to absorb moisture and is therefore more susceptible to microbial attack which can cause issues such as clogged filters.

The specifications are the same as EN590 but state a FAME content of <0.1%.

Download our EN 590 spec sheets for future reference

If you have any further questions about the specifications or if you’d like to place an order, call 0330 678 0880 today and a member of our team will be on hand to assist.

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